
Restricted Internet

If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I'm starting to think that the only way any of us are going to make any difference any change is to strike/fight back leave our jobs, yes we can bitch and say fuckem and they should do this or that but the Norfolk Southerns of the world the world leaders don't give a rip To the main point: If our way of talking communicating becomes limited or gone I think is the last missing piece ex if Reddit was blocked, it's not a well thought out idea granted but interested

If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I'm starting to think that the only way any of us are going to make any difference any change is to strike/fight back leave our jobs, yes we can bitch and say fuckem and they should do this or that but the Norfolk Southerns of the world the world leaders don't give a rip

To the main point: If our way of talking communicating becomes limited or gone I think is the last missing piece ex if Reddit was blocked, it's not a well thought out idea granted but interested

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