
Lack of money and the resulting health scares have ruined my life

This is going to be a vent I guess but I must let it all out, currently just thinking about it stresses and scares me tf out So basically I'm 25 and I'm from a poor Eastern-European country. I literally earn 1065 EUR / month net which is quite good in my country (Hungary, a post-USSR poor shithole). I work in IT for a big company that operates worldwide, I work as a sysadmin. I've reached the point in my life where I've been having some major health scares But it's not nearly the cosmetic side of things as much as the functional/health side of things. I got tons of chronic health conditions besides that are genetic. I just got REALLY bad genetic dicerolls. But I'm going off on a tangent now. Basically, the point of all this rant/vent is that YES, money DOES buy happiness. I cannot imagine just…

This is going to be a vent I guess but I must let it all out, currently just thinking about it stresses and scares me tf out

So basically I'm 25 and I'm from a poor Eastern-European country. I literally earn 1065 EUR / month net which is quite good in my country (Hungary, a post-USSR poor shithole). I work in IT for a big company that operates worldwide, I work as a sysadmin.

I've reached the point in my life where I've been having some major health scares

But it's not nearly the cosmetic side of things as much as the functional/health side of things. I got tons of chronic health conditions besides that are genetic. I just got REALLY bad genetic dicerolls.

But I'm going off on a tangent now. Basically, the point of all this rant/vent is that YES, money DOES buy happiness. I cannot imagine just how happy and carefree my entire life – remember I'm 25 – would be if I was rich. I could get all the premium healthcare (services) I need, I could fix my entire health for the most part, I would no longer have to go to bed anxious af regarding how bad inflation's gonna rape my bills/paycheck next month, I could buy myself a nice cozy apartment in China/Taiwan and completely restart my life. But nope, I'm broke af and I stand no chance. I'll be honest, I REALLY envy those lucky few who either made it or were born into a rich family. All the healthcare you need, all the higher education you need, not a single day spent worrying about paying bills etc, you could travel wherever you want, just truly focus on LIVING your life instead of wageSLAVING away. So don't let the parasites tell you money doesn't matter. It's easily 95% of the equation in life, money solves almost everything.

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