
Am I stupid for thinking that working should be a choice ?

The amount of money companies are making, soaring profits, I don’t understand how working is a “get a job or starve” situation we live in. Also, the whole “back to the office” fight, and this morning I heard about 16 companies are going to implement a 4 day working week – great news but again, why isn’t this a norm? And don’t get me started on AI, and how they’re GoInG tO cOmE foR yOuR JobS. Yeah I wish it would, if ai can be automated for jobs then that’s great because that means that person can be used for something more productive, such as spend time with their family, or a different job if they choose. Let me know your thoughts

The amount of money companies are making, soaring profits, I don’t understand how working is a “get a job or starve” situation we live in.

Also, the whole “back to the office” fight, and this morning I heard about 16 companies are going to implement a 4 day working week – great news but again, why isn’t this a norm?

And don’t get me started on AI, and how they’re GoInG tO cOmE foR yOuR JobS. Yeah I wish it would, if ai can be automated for jobs then that’s great because that means that person can be used for something more productive, such as spend time with their family, or a different job if they choose.

Let me know your thoughts

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