
Work mistakes

I worked at a restaurant for seven months, and I make 4 mistakes in 1 month. I can do pretty well at cleaning up lobby ,doing dishes. I usually make mistakes sometimes upfront, like I thought a customer wanted red sauce but wanted a different sauce, Or I didn't know how to do a bar code for a gift card. Usually we don't get many people with gift cards, and I didn't understand a lady who wanted to pay for a coke and another item (had a bit of a accent felt bad). Is this normal overall to make this much mistakes?

I worked at a restaurant for seven months, and I make 4 mistakes in 1 month. I can do pretty well at cleaning up lobby ,doing dishes. I usually make mistakes sometimes upfront, like I thought a customer wanted red sauce but wanted a different sauce, Or I didn't know how to do a bar code for a gift card. Usually we don't get many people with gift cards, and I didn't understand a lady who wanted to pay for a coke and another item (had a bit of a accent felt bad). Is this normal overall to make this much mistakes?

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