
being evicted after medical leave and lost job (upstate NY)

I went out for a neck injury unrelated to work in early October 2022. It took a month to see a Dr and get the ball rolling on NYS temp. Disability and DSS assistance forms. My temp. Disability form was finally all sent in by beginning of January due to a back and forth with Dr and documents. I have been recievkng half rent assistance from my local debt. Of social services. HOWEVER. I have still not seen or heard from Disability, and all calls to the department route me into an endless, automates circle. Because of this, landlord filed an eviction for 3/31, saying i could get ERAPm. Unfortunately the state stopped taking those applications last month due to temporarily losing internet and phone, I was unable to update my leave with my job, and was terminated. I refiled updated stuff with my leave company, 3rd party, and today…

I went out for a neck injury unrelated to work in early October 2022. It took a month to see a Dr and get the ball rolling on NYS temp. Disability and DSS assistance forms. My temp. Disability form was finally all sent in by beginning of January due to a back and forth with Dr and documents. I have been recievkng half rent assistance from my local debt. Of social services. HOWEVER. I have still not seen or heard from Disability, and all calls to the department route me into an endless, automates circle. Because of this, landlord filed an eviction for 3/31, saying i could get ERAPm. Unfortunately the state stopped taking those applications last month due to temporarily losing internet and phone, I was unable to update my leave with my job, and was terminated. I refiled updated stuff with my leave company, 3rd party, and today wa supposed to be my back to work. It seems however mg company has seen fit not t I take me back.

So…..ny temp disability is a no-show with no contact options , lost my jncome and soon residence . I can maybe find a room to rent from a friend but I'll lose my cats, my only kids due to sterility, and possibly a majority of my stuff.

I hate this country, I'm terrified ill lose my family and end up destitute, again.

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