
Does this seem unreasonable to you?

I work in a restaurant. I started as a dishwasher but now I’m a cook. I’ve all but switched over to the cook position, only working dish shifts when someone calls out. Yesterday was supposed to be my day off, but my manager calls me and asks me to cover a dish shift for a coworker who called in sick. I told him I would do it, but only if he agreed to pay me my cook rate instead of my dish rate. He agreed, so I made my way into work. Once I get to work, I have my manager try to clock me in with my cook code, but he stops me. He says I’m here to do a dish shift, which I knew. I reminded him that I only agreed to the dish shift if I got paid my cook wages. He shook his head and said…

I work in a restaurant. I started as a dishwasher but now I’m a cook. I’ve all but switched over to the cook position, only working dish shifts when someone calls out. Yesterday was supposed to be my day off, but my manager calls me and asks me to cover a dish shift for a coworker who called in sick. I told him I would do it, but only if he agreed to pay me my cook rate instead of my dish rate. He agreed, so I made my way into work. Once I get to work, I have my manager try to clock me in with my cook code, but he stops me. He says I’m here to do a dish shift, which I knew. I reminded him that I only agreed to the dish shift if I got paid my cook wages. He shook his head and said he couldn’t do it, even though he agreed to it over the phone. So I tell him that he needed to pay me my cook rate or find someone else to cover the shift. He tells me I’m being “unreasonable,” and says that since I’m already there, I might as well just take the shift. I turned around and left immediately.

Edit: The worst part about this situation is that the old manager used to be fine with this arrangement. In fact, he would often offer to pay me my higher wage as an incentive for coming in on my day off. But the new manager is a lot stricter and scummier.

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