
Objectionable Training Director

Recently, moved back to the States after a period away. The guy at my new company is objectionable to say the least. He has nicknames for most coworkers. The gay guy is referred to as ‘cupcake’, the member of the transgender community is called, ‘trans fat’ and a younger woman is called, ‘the blond piece.’ The other day when someone came in bandaged up he made a ‘joke’ about him entering the ‘Special Olympics’ with a coworker who has physical disabilities. This guy is responsible for writing appraisals for all the people mentioned.

Recently, moved back to the States after a period away. The guy at my new company is objectionable to say the least. He has nicknames for most coworkers. The gay guy is referred to as ‘cupcake’, the member of the transgender community is called, ‘trans fat’ and a younger woman is called, ‘the blond piece.’

The other day when someone came in bandaged up he made a ‘joke’ about him entering the ‘Special Olympics’ with a coworker who has physical disabilities.

This guy is responsible for writing appraisals for all the people mentioned.

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