
Talking on the phone

Just started a new job which I actually really like, however part of my role includes covering the customer service phone line during lunch breaks. From today they want me to start taking calls but I honestly don't feel like I know enough yet to do so, I've told them this and their response was “you'll be fine you'll learn it all as you take more calls”. I don't mind speaking on the phone its just the fact I don't feel like I know enough and I don't want to look stupid. I don't know what to do as I feel so anxious about going into work today and doing it and I've had such a sleepless night because of it.

Just started a new job which I actually really like, however part of my role includes covering the customer service phone line during lunch breaks. From today they want me to start taking calls but I honestly don't feel like I know enough yet to do so, I've told them this and their response was “you'll be fine you'll learn it all as you take more calls”. I don't mind speaking on the phone its just the fact I don't feel like I know enough and I don't want to look stupid.
I don't know what to do as I feel so anxious about going into work today and doing it and I've had such a sleepless night because of it.

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