
I don’t think it’s possible to have a job you like in the Capitalist system

I'm in my 40s. I've been working in well paid, professional careers since I graduated college. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was promoted a few times and now I'm in a very well paid job. The problem is, I fucking hate it. I hate the bullshit politics. I hate my coworkers and bosses pretending to care about me, while simultaneously stabbing me in the back to get ahead. I hate working 50+ hours a week to define strategy for companies that add no value to society. I hate everything about it all. My therapist says I should practice being more grateful. I have a very well paying job. I have a roof over my head. I get to work at home with my dog. I'm grateful for these things, but I'm just so sick of the whole thing. I'm sick of participating in a system where…

I'm in my 40s. I've been working in well paid, professional careers since I graduated college. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was promoted a few times and now I'm in a very well paid job. The problem is, I fucking hate it. I hate the bullshit politics. I hate my coworkers and bosses pretending to care about me, while simultaneously stabbing me in the back to get ahead. I hate working 50+ hours a week to define strategy for companies that add no value to society. I hate everything about it all.

My therapist says I should practice being more grateful. I have a very well paying job. I have a roof over my head. I get to work at home with my dog. I'm grateful for these things, but I'm just so sick of the whole thing. I'm sick of participating in a system where all the money goes to the uber rich and I'm supposed to be grateful for a salary that allows me to live comfortably. I don't know why I'm even writing this. Mostly just to vent and acknowledge that I will spend most of my limited time on planet earth doing bullshit work to make a paycheck and that I am expected to be happy about that, because it could be worse. It's all just such bullshit.

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