
What is the longest amount of time you’ve gone without a week off?

This month makes 2 years since I’ve had a full week off. I’m “lucky” enough to get 10 paid vacation days per year, and I’ve had to use them for reasons other than an actual vacation. If I don’t use any days, it’ll take 5 months from now before I have earned enough time for a week off. But after that, I’ll go back down to zero available vacation time. My job doesn’t allow unpaid time off. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this.

This month makes 2 years since I’ve had a full week off. I’m “lucky” enough to get 10 paid vacation days per year, and I’ve had to use them for reasons other than an actual vacation. If I don’t use any days, it’ll take 5 months from now before I have earned enough time for a week off. But after that, I’ll go back down to zero available vacation time. My job doesn’t allow unpaid time off. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this.

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