
Got baited & switched at new job

I left my high-stress corporate job because I was sick of working overtime. I thought I found a nice new place to work, during my 4 rounds of interviews the importance of a good work-life balance was discussed heavily. I told them about my grievances with my corporate job and that I was NOT interested in working past the end of the day. They agreed and emphasized how much they value giving employees time to enjoy life outside of work. They told me the processes they have in place to achieve this. It was plastered all over their website too. Well, I’ve been here for 2 months now and everything they told me is a lie. I work overtime nearly every day and rarely have time to even take a lunch break. I see my poor miserable coworkers working as late as midnight some days. Earlier this week there was…

I left my high-stress corporate job because I was sick of working overtime. I thought I found a nice new place to work, during my 4 rounds of interviews the importance of a good work-life balance was discussed heavily. I told them about my grievances with my corporate job and that I was NOT interested in working past the end of the day. They agreed and emphasized how much they value giving employees time to enjoy life outside of work. They told me the processes they have in place to achieve this. It was plastered all over their website too.

Well, I’ve been here for 2 months now and everything they told me is a lie. I work overtime nearly every day and rarely have time to even take a lunch break. I see my poor miserable coworkers working as late as midnight some days. Earlier this week there was a holiday, which we had “off” from work. Except I was reprimanded for actually taking it off and not responding to client messages over the weekend or holiday. I met with my boss about this and he told me “sorry, we’re not trying to bait and switch you.” Word for word. I’m infuriated and ready to quit on the spot but I don’t have anything lined up. I have enough savings that it would be manageable, but I’m unsure of what to do here. I typically give employers ample notice (2+ weeks) but in this case I just want out. Would it be horrible to turn in my immediate resignation and ghost them?

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