
people who have “made it” and became successful tend to look down on the lower middle class. isn’t that kind of the problem here?

If you grinded, busted your ass, studied, gave it your absolute all, showed discipline, and really “worked hard”, until like the medical profession or law, or business. If you fell in love with the girl of your dreams, live in a house, own a cute dog, have a fancy car, and feel important doesn't that make it undoubtedly hard to not look down on the poor or the lower middle class ? What does everyone think about this? Isn't this the problem? This comes from someone who was born of priviledge and has family members like this.

If you grinded, busted your ass, studied, gave it your absolute all, showed discipline, and really “worked hard”, until like the medical profession or law, or business. If you fell in love with the girl of your dreams, live in a house, own a cute dog, have a fancy car, and feel important doesn't that make it undoubtedly hard to not look down on the poor or the lower middle class ? What does everyone think about this? Isn't this the problem?

This comes from someone who was born of priviledge and has family members like this.

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