
I feel work is going to eventually kill me and I don’t know what to do

I (24M) am a university student and despite the fact work agreed to just give me an 18 hour week on a 0 hours contract, they are scheduling me 3 9 hour shifts a week overnights. On top of that, last week alone, one of my friends had commited suicide and they gave me no time off at all. I ended up calling sick one of the days due to genuine sickness, as the stress was so much I was throwing up, to which I got interrogated and guilt tripped for not coming in. I have terrible physical health due to my mental health condition and not a single workplace has been supportive of it. Even if people are nice at work, whenever I voice out my complains I get people going “Uh this other 24y/o works 6 days a week” and they aren't even a student nor have a…

I (24M) am a university student and despite the fact work agreed to just give me an 18 hour week on a 0 hours contract, they are scheduling me 3 9 hour shifts a week overnights. On top of that, last week alone, one of my friends had commited suicide and they gave me no time off at all. I ended up calling sick one of the days due to genuine sickness, as the stress was so much I was throwing up, to which I got interrogated and guilt tripped for not coming in.

I have terrible physical health due to my mental health condition and not a single workplace has been supportive of it. Even if people are nice at work, whenever I voice out my complains I get people going “Uh this other 24y/o works 6 days a week” and they aren't even a student nor have a chronic illness. I was in hospital only half a year ago because of similar issues, despite the fact I hadn't started university again yet and this was solely work. Uni has been incredibly supportive, which makes the workload much easier (So not having that support over the summer made things worse), but I feel as soon as I graduate, full time work is so cruel that it will literally end up killing me.

Opening up about it has people calling me “lazy” because I don't want to work full time like this. Or I mentioned it to a classmate and she blamed me for my situation because I “could just try to find a better job or just quit” as if I wasn't already trying and I also have to entirely support myself financially. I hate work culture so effing badly

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