I've been rejected from most emergency services jobs due to me disclosing that I undergo counselling, which was a result from my service from the Army.
God forbid you see a professional therapist to help you get better mentally. You always hear people say “Don't be afraid to seek help”, only to reject you once you do.
What's confusing for me is, it's okay to seek counselling once you're a part of the organisation, but if you show the slightest hint of mental health problems when you're applying,then you're a goner.
I'm sorry for this pointless rant, I know others have it worse than I do. But I just get so frustrated, trying to get better mentally so I could perform in those jobs, only to be told I'm not suitable. If I try to hide it and not disclose it and I get caught lying later on, I'm still doomed. It's a lose-lose situation, and I feel like absolute shit because the counselling is now a chain ball, and I can't get away from it.
If anyone had a similar experience, please feel free to share. At least I won't feel so alone.
I'm going to sleep this off.