
R/antiwork does not work with older Americans.

I would say that over 70% of this subreddit could be handled with something most of us got in High school. A basic class we called Business law and other older American call consumer law. This was a class that explained the bare basics of labor and consumer law. What a lease was, and how housing costs are tied to interest rates. Even what money is and what a basic contract needs. So we watch you “hopefully” younger adults comment in confusion…wondering why a simple class that pertains to almost every citizen was removed from the curriculum.

I would say that over 70% of this subreddit could be handled with something most of us got in High school. A basic class we called Business law and other older American call consumer law. This was a class that explained the bare basics of labor and consumer law. What a lease was, and how housing costs are tied to interest rates. Even what money is and what a basic contract needs.

So we watch you “hopefully” younger adults comment in confusion…wondering why a simple class that pertains to almost every citizen was removed from the curriculum.

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