
Find a different job or Stick it out?

do I stay or do I go? I (27F) started working for a retail company 1 1/2 years ago. After four months into the job I became assistant manager. While becoming this my colleague (25f) also got promoted to the same as me. A few days ago I found out my other colleague- let's call her Sophie was going to become senior manager. A few things that annoyed me about this is: 1. I always cover everyone's shifts, she doesn't. 2. She's our area managers sister ( which makes me think this is why she got promoted) 3. She's forever in our small office getting others to do the work – don't get me wrong giving tasks to colleagues is part of our role , but she honestly takes the mick with this. 4. She is good at her job- she's been there 10+ years, so has more knowledge than…

do I stay or do I go?

I (27F) started working for a retail company 1 1/2 years ago. After four months into the job I became assistant manager.
While becoming this my colleague (25f) also got promoted to the same as me.
A few days ago I found out my other colleague- let's call her Sophie was going to become senior manager.
A few things that annoyed me about this is:
1. I always cover everyone's shifts, she doesn't.
2. She's our area managers sister ( which makes me think this is why she got promoted)
3. She's forever in our small office getting others to do the work – don't get me wrong giving tasks to colleagues is part of our role , but she honestly takes the mick with this.
4. She is good at her job- she's been there 10+ years, so has more knowledge than me…but she doesn't run around making sure everything is done like I do.
5. She forgets to do tasks and leaves it for me to do the next day. This is turn makes my work day harder yet I'm never thanked just get told I'm “rushing around”
6. She stands around for 15 minutes at a time talking to customers – which yes is customer service but this has lead to my friend saying it took her ten minutes to get served due to Sophie gossiping about a neighbor to a neighbor.
7. This promotion was told to me through text! Not even a face to face meeting or an opportunity to put myself forward.

I do like Sophie, but I feel like she is getting a payrise to do the exact same job as me but just get paid extra.

Writing this out I feel like a jealous teenager , but I've never been told I'm appreciated.
I'm clumsy, too “soft” and have been told I'm chaotic.
But I always get the work done, even if it means staying unpaid to do it.
Once I got asked to come to the office on my day off to see a visitor , I happily obliged thinking I haven't met them yet- for it to turn out it was a meeting about my mistakes.
I cover every single time someone is off.
I have gone to work feeling very unwell countless times- to the extent of making myself ill for months.
No matter what I do , the bosses always pin point something bad, yet if she does something bad they just say “oh she's tired it's fine”
I refuse to be a righteous asshole to my colleagues – they help me run the shift day to day and I will not get down there throats every second they take a breath – which is what my company expects.

Am I always going to feel resentful?
I'm paid fortnightly, the job is very local , and it pays well(ish).
I just don't know if I can deal with the favouritism due to Sophie brother being the area manager.
I've always been good at my job, even had a store manager at a big store call a meeting with me asking me to stay- but in this job I seem terrible?!

Do I leave? Or do I need to give my head a shake?

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