
employer thinks i’m faking covid

I work at a retail store, and I have a close relationship with two employees. One of them had covid the week before last, my GM made a comment to me about how she was faking it even though she had provided a doctors note. She came back to work after 5 days, not sure if she had tested negative. Now, I tested positive yesterday, provided a note from the doctor, and yet again, the AM made a comment to an employee about me faking it. Said employee let me know. I know they both dislike us as employees because we hang out outside of work and we have both already been stiffed of raises because “we are not performing”. Which is untrue, this manager just hates that employees have camaraderie and would prefer for everyone to not interact with each other after work. this is getting ridiculous and i…

I work at a retail store, and I have a close relationship with two employees. One of them had covid the week before last, my GM made a comment to me about how she was faking it even though she had provided a doctors note. She came back to work after 5 days, not sure if she had tested negative. Now, I tested positive yesterday, provided a note from the doctor, and yet again, the AM made a comment to an employee about me faking it. Said employee let me know.

I know they both dislike us as employees because we hang out outside of work and we have both already been stiffed of raises because “we are not performing”. Which is untrue, this manager just hates that employees have camaraderie and would prefer for everyone to not interact with each other after work.

this is getting ridiculous and i do not want to lose my job because i like it, but i don’t know what to do about this?

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