
Hi everyone

Hi everyone. Looking for some advice. I just took a job that was 50KM from home each way. I was promised 2 days a week work from home which would allow me to save about 40 bucks a week ( that's huge ). Without working from home those two days I will be in the hole about 78 dollars every month. When I explained to my new boss that the reason I took this job was because of the work from home offer he then went on to explain that there was a potential for that and that it was not promised up front. People… If you own a business please don't be a piece of scum. Do not trick people into taking you're jobs by offering them work from home and then pulling it back. After quitting my other job I was then informed of this. Welcome to the…

Hi everyone. Looking for some advice. I just took a job that was 50KM from home each way. I was promised 2 days a week work from home which would allow me to save about 40 bucks a week ( that's huge ). Without working from home those two days I will be in the hole about 78 dollars every month. When I explained to my new boss that the reason I took this job was because of the work from home offer he then went on to explain that there was a potential for that and that it was not promised up front. People… If you own a business please don't be a piece of scum. Do not trick people into taking you're jobs by offering them work from home and then pulling it back. After quitting my other job I was then informed of this. Welcome to the great world of cooperate bending you over knowing you have no other options. I feel stuck knowing I have rent, bills etc but falling behind every month is making me hate a job I haven't even started. Any advice on how to maybe try and make them honor what they had promised me in two separate interviews?

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