
Pay below market rate, no raises and no upward mobility. But here’s an Amazon voucher!

Without going too much into details regarding the sheer incompetence of the upper management, here's a brief overview of what's causing people to be extremely unmotivated: Nobody gets a raise ever (confirmed by multiple people, in multiple departments, who have been working there for over a decade), despite having to go through performance review yearly; Unless already hired as a “senior”, nobody gets that bit added to their title (and the 4% pay raise that would come with it); Any job opening is posted internally as well, and any that would provide upward mobility is always filled with an external candidate (or they just ghost you). As you can imagine, with the inflation being completely insane right now, nobody cares anymore about their job. The solution? QUARTERLY TECHNICAL CHALLENGES! Basically find a way to use our tools to help team(s) becoming more efficient and save thousands of dollars for the…

Without going too much into details regarding the sheer incompetence of the upper management, here's a brief overview of what's causing people to be extremely unmotivated:

  • Nobody gets a raise ever (confirmed by multiple people, in multiple departments, who have been working there for over a decade), despite having to go through performance review yearly;

  • Unless already hired as a “senior”, nobody gets that bit added to their title (and the 4% pay raise that would come with it);

  • Any job opening is posted internally as well, and any that would provide upward mobility is always filled with an external candidate (or they just ghost you).

As you can imagine, with the inflation being completely insane right now, nobody cares anymore about their job.


Basically find a way to use our tools to help team(s) becoming more efficient and save thousands of dollars for the company time.

The prize? A 250$ Amazon voucher for the winner. So they're potentially saving THOUSANDS while giving peanuts to one person.

This must be the product of the same imbecile genius executive who purchased hundreds of machines with mechanical hard drives three years ago.

Luckily I'm starting a new position elsewhere next week, but I seriously can't understand how this company is still in business.

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