
Submit worker-based questions to companies via Quarterly Earnings Calls.

First, I'd like to state that the stock market is absolutely disgusting, as the only way anyone really makes money on it is when companies exploit their employees and customers. That being said, I say we could buy a very small amount of cheap stock in a few smaller publically traded companies and during their Quarterly Earnings Call Q&A session we submit questions (I think we'd only need 1 share each to participate), and up vote the questions like crazy together so they have to answer them; questions like: “When will [Company XYZ] give a significant wage increase, at least equal to or above this year's inflation rate, to the employees who produce all your wealth?” “Why don't your employees have healthcare as an option?” “Why do many of your employees struggle to live on what they're paid?” Etc. I hate owning stock, and it makes me feel dirty, but…

First, I'd like to state that the stock market is absolutely disgusting, as the only way anyone really makes money on it is when companies exploit their employees and customers.

That being said, I say we could buy a very small amount of cheap stock in a few smaller publically traded companies and during their Quarterly Earnings Call Q&A session we submit questions (I think we'd only need 1 share each to participate), and up vote the questions like crazy together so they have to answer them; questions like:

“When will [Company XYZ] give a significant wage increase, at least equal to or above this year's inflation rate, to the employees who produce all your wealth?”

“Why don't your employees have healthcare as an option?”

“Why do many of your employees struggle to live on what they're paid?”


I hate owning stock, and it makes me feel dirty, but if we band together to submit questions like this, (I know we could never own enough stock to make a credible threat to their bottom line, but…) at least we could maybe get them to face the “awkward” questions a few times a year?

Only need 100-200 up votes on a question to get it to the top when asked at the smaller companies, so I think it's feasible.


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