
I really am frustrated. I thought I didn’t need to keep 2 jobs anymore!

So I work i tax prep as an Enrolled Agent. I make okay money. It'd be good if prices of stuff didn't keep going up, but I usually go on a break for about 13-16 weeks and collect unemployment in the summer and just kind of see if I can't luck into something better. Well in my state (Kentucky)'s infinite wisdom, the way to get more people back to work is…..cut the time you can collect UE from 26 weeks (Which is where my state had it SINCE THE 1930S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to 12. In my part of the state, Eastern Kentucky, good luck. You are going to have to take a long time to get a menial fast food or retail job as the managers drag their feet. In fact many of the state reps from this region offered a reduction to like 20 or 24 weeks because well, where i…

So I work i tax prep as an Enrolled Agent. I make okay money. It'd be good if prices of stuff didn't keep going up, but I usually go on a break for about 13-16 weeks and collect unemployment in the summer and just kind of see if I can't luck into something better. Well in my state (Kentucky)'s infinite wisdom, the way to get more people back to work is…..cut the time you can collect UE from 26 weeks (Which is where my state had it SINCE THE 1930S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to 12. In my part of the state, Eastern Kentucky, good luck. You are going to have to take a long time to get a menial fast food or retail job as the managers drag their feet. In fact many of the state reps from this region offered a reduction to like 20 or 24 weeks because well, where i live you're driving a long ways to work for minimum wage so it's not worth it.

A few years ago I had an offseason/2nd job but in 2020 was able to give that up. But because of the 12 week thing, I'm working to try and pick that up again. I have reached out to my manager at the Enrolled Agent job and they are trying to find me something good year round and if the decision was theirs, I'd never have to worry, they'd have made me year round a long time ago. But noooooooooooooooooooooooooo upper management doesn't want that. I also think my location is what is hurting me. Places will not call me back for remote I suspect because of it. There's nothing really good or to my degree. I see sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many postings of Tax related posistions saying “CPA or EA” but when it gets to it, they want the CPA (Which when it comes to tax, EA is much better as we are certified by the IRS themselves.) So after reviewing my state's work requirements, they want 2000 hours a year and they don't take tax. So reviewing where my mom lives, it's much better and they'd take tax work, not to mention she lives in a decent sized metro area so I have a lot of other options to help. Just the problem is I have to move in with her and she can't take my family in with me. It's my husband and an adult daughter so they can handle themselves with me gone. But it still hurts that because of so many other factors put in out of my control that I have to leave them and send the money home to try and give them something decent.

Although if I luck into a good job up where my mom lives, my husband and daughter aren't against moving up there. Mom just can't have all 3 of us in at the same time.

So I am hoping I get this part time job locally I applied for as I can work that in the summer and it will help but I'm still trapped by where I live, idiotic upper management when everyone I work with would have promoted me to year round based on my skills and work but the upper management won't work to do that for me. I don't have many other options. I'm soooooooooooooooo frustrated.

Any tips and any advise for just how to cope with having to move far away to support family?

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