
Got covid and my management is handling it really poorly, where can I find another easy/at home/low energy job?

Pretty much what the title says, I like my job but a coworker recently gave me covid and because there’s no HR overnight it’s been a nightmare trying to contact the one HR person they have during the day to work it out. I got my results back after she already left for the day Thursday, and missed her callback yesterday cause I ended up sleeping most of the day cause I sleep during the day anyway but sleep a lot extra when I’m sick and didn’t wake up until after she was already gone again. I forced myself to stay up this morning and called 5 times to no answer from her (I don’t even blame her, one HR person for a huge store??) so I still haven’t been able to send in the proof that I have covid, and I’m on the schedule for tomorrow night cause (I’m…

Pretty much what the title says, I like my job but a coworker recently gave me covid and because there’s no HR overnight it’s been a nightmare trying to contact the one HR person they have during the day to work it out. I got my results back after she already left for the day Thursday, and missed her callback yesterday cause I ended up sleeping most of the day cause I sleep during the day anyway but sleep a lot extra when I’m sick and didn’t wake up until after she was already gone again.

I forced myself to stay up this morning and called 5 times to no answer from her (I don’t even blame her, one HR person for a huge store??) so I still haven’t been able to send in the proof that I have covid, and I’m on the schedule for tomorrow night cause (I’m assuming) no one told whoever writes them that I’m sick, or they thought I would be fine by now (which I’m not, I’ll live but I’m still sick and contagious). And if they do expect me to be better and won’t give me more days for it, I know I don’t have sick days cause I’m new and it’s only part time (they don’t hire full time so they don’t have to give benefits, according to some co workers) so I’ll just have to call out and pray they don’t use it against me since I’m so new and still on “probation”. If I showed up as sick as I still am they’d send me home, but still, I worry for the worst especially with how hard it was to find this job in the first place.

I know management is shitty almost everywhere, but I gotta find a place that at least has someone I can talk to during the hours they expect me to work so I know what’s going on and what to do. I’m sure there’s other posts I could find an answer in but honestly I’m too sick/stressed/lazy to look. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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