
What is the craziest reason management has used to justify everyone returning to the office?

My senior manager called us all into a mandatory Zoom meeting Friday afternoon and told us from Monday we would all need to return to the office full time. Yes, now 30 people have to find alternate travel, child care, pet care etc arrangements over the weekend and return to the office Monday or they will be out of a job. When pressed why we needed to return – with a straight face – he said he is getting lonely in the office all on his own. This guy does not joke, he was serious! What has been the craziest reason management has used at your workplace to justify this?

My senior manager called us all into a mandatory Zoom meeting Friday afternoon and told us from Monday we would all need to return to the office full time. Yes, now 30 people have to find alternate travel, child care, pet care etc arrangements over the weekend and return to the office Monday or they will be out of a job. When pressed why we needed to return – with a straight face – he said he is getting lonely in the office all on his own. This guy does not joke, he was serious!

What has been the craziest reason management has used at your workplace to justify this?

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