
Your updates embarrass us in front of your colleagues

Imagine being sick for the 3rd time in 2 months. I had medical documents. Laws are different here from the US. Imagine laying in bed with 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39 in Celsius), taking your third antibiotic, covered in body aches, lost appetite and feeling overall miserable, calling 2 doctors at 10 pm and later on a whole ambulance (it's free here). Having to constantly update your team on your condition so they can plan on the next day who to take your daily tasks instead of having to frantically look for another employee last minute, just to be greeted with this message from a supervisor you personally trained (who became a supervisor 2 months after you trained them): “Same as before your every days messages are making us look bad as leaders in front of the rest of the team.” Make you look bad? For what? Getting sick? For keeping…

Imagine being sick for the 3rd time in 2 months. I had medical documents. Laws are different here from the US.

Imagine laying in bed with 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39 in Celsius), taking your third antibiotic, covered in body aches, lost appetite and feeling overall miserable, calling 2 doctors at 10 pm and later on a whole ambulance (it's free here). Having to constantly update your team on your condition so they can plan on the next day who to take your daily tasks instead of having to frantically look for another employee last minute, just to be greeted with this message from a supervisor you personally trained (who became a supervisor 2 months after you trained them):

“Same as before your every days messages are making us look bad as leaders in front of the rest of the team.”

Make you look bad? For what? Getting sick? For keeping you guys updated? For helping you plan your days in advance?

I'm not giving a lot of details. None regarding my physical wellbeing.. I'm just updating them that I'm not coming to work on a certain day in advance.

No wonder today is my last day at work. I quit.

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