
Should I feel guilty for missing work while sick?

Kinda just need to vent and maybe get some validation. I have been sick since Thursday. I typically work W-Sun, so I got sick right at the beginning of my work week. More than 5 other employees have also been sick this past week as it’s going around. Standard upper respiratory symptoms. I’ve been getting every sickness that goes around, and typically have more severe and longer lasting symptoms than the average person. IDK why. But it’s been crappy. I was able to get coverage for all but one of my scheduled shifts. Today my manager messaged me saying at this point I need a doctors note. I was trying to avoid the doc bc I don’t have insurance, but my manager and other coworkers were encouraging me to come in anyway, and to just wear a mask or take some medicine, as some other employees had done. This gave…

Kinda just need to vent and maybe get some validation. I have been sick since Thursday. I typically work W-Sun, so I got sick right at the beginning of my work week. More than 5 other employees have also been sick this past week as it’s going around. Standard upper respiratory symptoms. I’ve been getting every sickness that goes around, and typically have more severe and longer lasting symptoms than the average person. IDK why. But it’s been crappy.

I was able to get coverage for all but one of my scheduled shifts. Today my manager messaged me saying at this point I need a doctors note. I was trying to avoid the doc bc I don’t have insurance, but my manager and other coworkers were encouraging me to come in anyway, and to just wear a mask or take some medicine, as some other employees had done. This gave me a lot of anxiety because I just can’t do that. If i’m sick, I’m not really able to fulfill my job duties well. And I don’t want to spread it around even more.

Doc prescribed some meds and agreed I should not go in to work, and gave me a note excusing me for the next few days. Even with that reassurance, I still feel like crap for not being able to work. I feel guilty for screwing them over and also anxious that everyone thinks I’m lying or something. I should be feeling relieved and validated that the doctor agreed with me. But I just have this nagging feeling that it’s not going to be very pleasant for me when I return to work. Ugh.

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