
Wage discrepancy

A month ago I learned my coworker with the same job title but less experience and less education is making $0.50 more / hr than I am. This isn’t legal in the state of Oregon. We legally should be making at least the same amount. I asked my bosses for a performance review almost 3 weeks ago and in that review I asked my bosses for a raise. They haven’t gotten back to me. We’re a small architecture firm, only 9 employees, and 2 of the 9 are the bosses who do hiring and decide raises. I don’t necessarily want to take legal action, but I know my bosses are treating me unfairly and they haven’t followed up about the discussion of a raise. What should I do moving forward?

A month ago I learned my coworker with the same job title but less experience and less education is making $0.50 more / hr than I am. This isn’t legal in the state of Oregon. We legally should be making at least the same amount. I asked my bosses for a performance review almost 3 weeks ago and in that review I asked my bosses for a raise. They haven’t gotten back to me. We’re a small architecture firm, only 9 employees, and 2 of the 9 are the bosses who do hiring and decide raises. I don’t necessarily want to take legal action, but I know my bosses are treating me unfairly and they haven’t followed up about the discussion of a raise. What should I do moving forward?

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