
Former asst. manager here

I just wanted to make a post about how some asst managers arent complete scum lol. I was an asst at a retail store then a fast food place. We also get treated like shit by the higher ups & the actual manager. As someone in management i fully expected to help with covering shifts, etc.. but when they started making me work 18hr shifts, then open the next day ALONE (cuz everyone called off) i put my foot down. Ive had people tell me it's my fault for going into management & that they werent being unreasonable working me as a slave. I guess that might be my fault.. so I vowed to never take a management position again. The actual store manager at my fast food job would NEVER cover shifts if an employee called off or come in early to help me when no one showed up…

I just wanted to make a post about how some asst managers arent complete scum lol. I was an asst at a retail store then a fast food place. We also get treated like shit by the higher ups & the actual manager.

As someone in management i fully expected to help with covering shifts, etc.. but when they started making me work 18hr shifts, then open the next day ALONE (cuz everyone called off) i put my foot down. Ive had people tell me it's my fault for going into management & that they werent being unreasonable working me as a slave. I guess that might be my fault.. so I vowed to never take a management position again.

The actual store manager at my fast food job would NEVER cover shifts if an employee called off or come in early to help me when no one showed up to open. I was made to work every position on my own, which is impossible since our drive thru would easily spill out onto the main road cuz of how long the wait was. My manager would make it solely MY problem if i couldnt get any of the teenagers who worked there to agree to come in & help. If there as a call off then she would immediately txt me with 21 excuses as to why she wouldnt be able to come in & cover (even tho she was the main store manager.) So, i was left to either do it myself or attempt to bribe someone to do it.

My advice is– never apply to be an asst cuz ur gonna end up being the main manager's bitch & do all the work they dont feel like doing themselves.

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