
My boss called me dumb because I wasn’t understanding his directions… from the wrong reference point

I’m a J1 student worker, I’ve been working for a couple of months in a certain hotel in CA and I’ll go back to my country in a month. Recently my boss gave a new list of tasks for my job and it had a few names of places in the hotel I had never heard before, I had visited them but they don’t have the names visible to you, there’s no way I’d know the names. I asked him where are some of the places and he started explaining (very aggressively, but anyway). At some point his directions didn’t make sense, I told him and he said “no, you’re dumb and your understanding isn’t working” (or something very similar, I don’t remember it 100% right and had to translate it). He said “from the stairs…” and THERE ARE TWO FUCKING STAIRS. We had different stairs in mind, that’s why…

I’m a J1 student worker, I’ve been working for a couple of months in a certain hotel in CA and I’ll go back to my country in a month. Recently my boss gave a new list of tasks for my job and it had a few names of places in the hotel I had never heard before, I had visited them but they don’t have the names visible to you, there’s no way I’d know the names. I asked him where are some of the places and he started explaining (very aggressively, but anyway). At some point his directions didn’t make sense, I told him and he said “no, you’re dumb and your understanding isn’t working” (or something very similar, I don’t remember it 100% right and had to translate it). He said “from the stairs…” and THERE ARE TWO FUCKING STAIRS. We had different stairs in mind, that’s why his directions didn’t make sense. I told him “are you talking about X stairs?” and he said yes but he probably didn’t even paid attention. I’m tired of being judged by him every second and being said that I’m useless, that I don’t do anything and I’m stealing the company’s money (my salarie), even though my manager says the company is very happy with my work and I really put effort into it. Actually all of the other J1s that work for him are in the exact same situation, all trying their best and the only thing they get back are insults. I seriously thought of quitting but I just swallowed it, I only have to wait 4 more weeks and I’ll be done with this shit hole.

And for the record, I’m certainly not dumb or slow, actually my IQ is quite a bit higher than average

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