
Just got my $0.27/hr raise today and then sat through a town hall with the CEO proudly stating they were able to match inflation

How fucking delusional can they be? I make $13/hr and inflation match would be like a .70/hr raise and even that is pitiful considering how quickly basic necessities are becoming more expensive. And to sit through a zoom call of a CEO telling us how proud he is of the company being able to give “sufficient cost of living raises that exceed the rate of inflation” was infuriating to me and my coworkers. What fucking inflation calculation are they using to come up with a 2% raise?! Especially when the CEO's town hall was shot where we can clearly see him in his cushy, high rise office with a full bar in the background. Clearly they don't even care about optics since they think we can't do anything at all. Every time I expect the worst and every time they underperform even that. If I didn't need this job to…

How fucking delusional can they be? I make $13/hr and inflation match would be like a .70/hr raise and even that is pitiful considering how quickly basic necessities are becoming more expensive.

And to sit through a zoom call of a CEO telling us how proud he is of the company being able to give “sufficient cost of living raises that exceed the rate of inflation” was infuriating to me and my coworkers. What fucking inflation calculation are they using to come up with a 2% raise?!

Especially when the CEO's town hall was shot where we can clearly see him in his cushy, high rise office with a full bar in the background. Clearly they don't even care about optics since they think we can't do anything at all.

Every time I expect the worst and every time they underperform even that. If I didn't need this job to not be homeless in 2 weeks, I would quit. But I can't. Guess I'll keep working here and hope the next cost of living raise actually makes sense.

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