
Do you all respond to job rejections?

I have been job searching for quite a while. I am currently underemployed, looking for something with more hours but I do have an income which I’m grateful for. I’m simultaneously looking for new jobs while trying to pick up extra hours here. I get a lot of job rejections, some surprising. I always feel like the in person interview requests go really well until I don’t hear back for a week and then I get that standard rejection email, even after 3 or 4 rounds. So far, I ignore them. Maybe it’s pride that I don’t really care what they think anymore and don’t want much to do with them. Does it make me look like an asshole or is it totally a fine career move to just ignore them?

I have been job searching for quite a while. I am currently underemployed, looking for something with more hours but I do have an income which I’m grateful for. I’m simultaneously looking for new jobs while trying to pick up extra hours here.

I get a lot of job rejections, some surprising. I always feel like the in person interview requests go really well until I don’t hear back for a week and then I get that standard rejection email, even after 3 or 4 rounds. So far, I ignore them. Maybe it’s pride that I don’t really care what they think anymore and don’t want much to do with them. Does it make me look like an asshole or is it totally a fine career move to just ignore them?

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