
Student debt relief be PPP loan forgiveness

Congressional budget office is saying that the total cost of Biden’s student debt relief package is about $30 billion a year over ten years. Might come out to $400 billion. More conservative (pun very much intended) estimates put it at $500 billion over ten years. The congressional budget office and the SBA calculate that the total amount of PPP loans forgiven comes to about $793 billion in… two years. And while this isn’t an apples-to-apples comparison (PPP loans were designed to basically be free money… for some reason…), these two programs are designed to do the same thing: stimulate a flagging economy. It provides a stark and frankly shocking comparison to how much more our federal government is willing to help companies rather than individuals, inuring young people even further to the yoke of a system designed to keep them sick, scared, penniless, desperate, and lashed to their shitty job…

Congressional budget office is saying that the total cost of Biden’s student debt relief package is about $30 billion a year over ten years. Might come out to $400 billion. More conservative (pun very much intended) estimates put it at $500 billion over ten years.

The congressional budget office and the SBA calculate that the total amount of PPP loans forgiven comes to about $793 billion in… two years.

And while this isn’t an apples-to-apples comparison (PPP loans were designed to basically be free money… for some reason…), these two programs are designed to do the same thing: stimulate a flagging economy.

It provides a stark and frankly shocking comparison to how much more our federal government is willing to help companies rather than individuals, inuring young people even further to the yoke of a system designed to keep them sick, scared, penniless, desperate, and lashed to their shitty job that offers shitty benefits like a galley slave to their oar.

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