
A toxic coffee shop I used to work for has now fired every person I used to work with

I got hired a couple years ago, and got promoted to manager and hired some people. The owners kept saying they were going to give me the passwords for the accounts to order product and show me how to do it, but they never did, so I just kept doing other managerial stuff. Finally they called me into the office and said because I wasn’t doing the ordering, I wasn’t doing my job and they were going to demote me if I didn’t start “showing more initiative” and said it was my fault I hadn’t been given the ordering info yet. I just told them I was going to work for them at all anymore. After that, they promoted two people I hired to be co-managers but soon found one of them to be too difficult to work with (she had been trying to get them to follow health standards…

I got hired a couple years ago, and got promoted to manager and hired some people. The owners kept saying they were going to give me the passwords for the accounts to order product and show me how to do it, but they never did, so I just kept doing other managerial stuff. Finally they called me into the office and said because I wasn’t doing the ordering, I wasn’t doing my job and they were going to demote me if I didn’t start “showing more initiative” and said it was my fault I hadn’t been given the ordering info yet. I just told them I was going to work for them at all anymore.

After that, they promoted two people I hired to be co-managers but soon found one of them to be too difficult to work with (she had been trying to get them to follow health standards and set pars for products lol) so they fired her. And now I just found out that the other person got fired after being accused of stealing from them. But their only evidence is that she worked on all the days that money went missing, and I know her well and know she would never do that. Mind you, they leave their safe unlocked and open all the time, so it really could have been anyone.

But yeah, they just have a habit of deciding they don’t like people who have dedicated a lot of time and energy to them and then finding a reason to fire them. It does my heart good to know that their coffee doesn’t taste good anymore and that they’re still barely making a profit.

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