
First time quitting on the spot

I was working part-time, 24hrs per week at a new clinic trying to put myself through school. A while back, I got promoted to supervisor (a $.50 raise and no benefits, yay!). In the beginning, the doctor told me “I want you to be my second brain”. A severe red flag but I was excited about my promotion so I didn't really think anything of it. Once my promotion was established, she began to pick apart and question everything single thing I did. She was extremely insecure about how her clinic looked so she wanted to control every single detail she possibly could from social media posts to patient interactions to phone calls. She started harassing me for every single missed phone call, email, and social media message that wasn't answered in a “timely manner”. Meanwhile, I was training new hires, researching and designing merch for our first event, running…

I was working part-time, 24hrs per week at a new clinic trying to put myself through school. A while back, I got promoted to supervisor (a $.50 raise and no benefits, yay!). In the beginning, the doctor told me “I want you to be my second brain”. A severe red flag but I was excited about my promotion so I didn't really think anything of it. Once my promotion was established, she began to pick apart and question everything single thing I did. She was extremely insecure about how her clinic looked so she wanted to control every single detail she possibly could from social media posts to patient interactions to phone calls.

She started harassing me for every single missed phone call, email, and social media message that wasn't answered in a “timely manner”. Meanwhile, I was training new hires, researching and designing merch for our first event, running errands for her (getting cupcakes and flowers for every single patient's birthday), answering all phone calls, scheduling patients, handling paperwork, supervising others, keeping track of finances, and overall exhaustingly running the place. I was doing everything I could to keep her from breathing down my neck. The event we were preparing for was going to require us to work 11 days in a row with no paid OT, and she was planning on doing these events twice a month. I was dreading it.

Yesterday, she lectured me about one unanswered email in front of my peers, questioned whether I was training the new hire correctly, and finally, she blamed me for a door dash order being late and for it being delivered to the wrong address even though I had put in the right address on the order. At that moment I realized nothing was ever going to please her and the stress was not worth the $.50 raise. It was an accumulation of all of the micromanaging bs that led to that final decision. It's the first time I have ever quit on the spot.

The most aggravating part about it was that she boasted that she was caring for her community and she loved helping people get better but underneath it all, she was just another capitalist business owner scrounging for more and more money while taking advantage of her employees and shaming other clinics for being poor.

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