
PTSD from previous job?

Is this possible? My last work place was completely toxic. I was afraid to take sick days, ask for vacation time off, the slightest mistake would warrent an hour long meeting with threats of write ups but no follow through, was terrified to share my opinion and express my thoughts on how we could do things more efficiently because I was constantly talked down to and just ostracized because of my nationality. I now work at a different place with a boss who puts health over work and promotes positive work life balance. I made my first mistake after a year of working there and when she asked about it I felt like I was back at my previous employment. My heart started racing and I started shaking. I felt like I was falling and I had such a visceral reaction to this tiny misstep that I feel like my…

Is this possible? My last work place was completely toxic. I was afraid to take sick days, ask for vacation time off, the slightest mistake would warrent an hour long meeting with threats of write ups but no follow through, was terrified to share my opinion and express my thoughts on how we could do things more efficiently because I was constantly talked down to and just ostracized because of my nationality.

I now work at a different place with a boss who puts health over work and promotes positive work life balance. I made my first mistake after a year of working there and when she asked about it I felt like I was back at my previous employment. My heart started racing and I started shaking. I felt like I was falling and I had such a visceral reaction to this tiny misstep that I feel like my last job really screwed me up. My current manager assured me not to worry about it and that it happens, but I'm just emotionally drained. I have a constant fear of being fired. I'm exhausted.

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