
Frustrated. Red flags in the application/interview process?

New to this subreddit, I hope it's okay to post this. Are these red flags or am I being too sensitive/unrealistic in my expectations? (I was gaslit through this process, so I'm doubting myself.) Red flag #1, I contacted the company via email for clarification for a job description and was told that somebody from corporate would get back to me, but they never did. #2, Months later I submitted my application during a virtual career fair. I was contacted for an interview via email by a recruiter. I disclosed my disabilities and asked for reasonable accommodations to perform the interview. I didn't hear anything and the recruiter ghosted me. Weeks later, I contacted a higher up in the department, I mentioned what happened and that I requested disability accommodations, but the recruiter never got back with me. The higher up stated the department was overwhelmed with work and that's…

New to this subreddit, I hope it's okay to post this.

Are these red flags or am I being too sensitive/unrealistic in my expectations? (I was gaslit through this process, so I'm doubting myself.)

Red flag #1, I contacted the company via email for clarification for a job description and was told that somebody from corporate would get back to me, but they never did.

#2, Months later I submitted my application during a virtual career fair. I was contacted for an interview via email by a recruiter. I disclosed my disabilities and asked for reasonable accommodations to perform the interview. I didn't hear anything and the recruiter ghosted me. Weeks later, I contacted a higher up in the department, I mentioned what happened and that I requested disability accommodations, but the recruiter never got back with me. The higher up stated the department was overwhelmed with work and that's why the recruiter never answered me. (Yet, a mutual acquaintance told me the recruiter was busy making public posts on his personal social media during that entire time.)

#3, During email conversations about the reasonable disability accommodations request for the interview, the recruiter and higher up insisted that I perform a video interview so somebody could “observe me” and stated so we know that nobody else is answering the interview questions for you. (Yet, they don't require that for non-disabled applicants via telephone interviews. How do they know somebody performing a telephone interview isn't using someone else to answer their questions?)

#4, When I told them those accommodations wouldn't work and explained why they wouldn't work because of my specific disabilities, the department head was condescending, treated me like I'm unintelligent and asked if I understood her modification of the reasonable accommodation request.

#5, For the first interview I was supposed to receive important information I needed for that interview via email. I waited 15 minutes for the information and for somebody to contact me to start the interview. Reason they were so late–they sent the information to the wrong email.

#6, During the follow up interview questions, the subject matter experts questioned my response about software systems that I have experience using. They claimed the systems that I mentioned didn't perform the specifications that they asked about, when they absolutely do.

#7, I'm self-employed. I have it listed on my resume and also listed it on the two/three(?) different applications that they required me to fill out. They wouldn't accept any reference that wasn't a supervisor. I gave them previous supervisors but because they were from over ten years ago, they questioned my use of providing those references. They also wanted to know the names of specific clients/businesses and contracts I worked with, even after I previously mentioned that I wasn't able to disclose that information.

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