
Supervisor threatening fast food employees’ cars for parking in restaurant lot.

I've worked for a franchise of a worldwide fast food chain for the past 2.5 years. My store got a new supervisor about 6 months ago. Supervisor talked with a local library to allow employees to park in a certain part of their lot if ours is full (exceedingly rare occurance) about 2 months or so ago. This library is about 500 feet from the store, and is across a fairly busy sidestreet coming off a main road, and has access to a bank, a shopping center, and a grocery store. Lots of traffic on this sidestreet, and it can be unsafe to cross during busy periods. This week, Supervisor has decided to mandate that all employees park in the library's parking lot, or he will have their cars towed. Our parking lot is not a tow-away zone. I'm fairly certain that he cannot legally tow from it. This is…

I've worked for a franchise of a worldwide fast food chain for the past 2.5 years. My store got a new supervisor about 6 months ago. Supervisor talked with a local library to allow employees to park in a certain part of their lot if ours is full (exceedingly rare occurance) about 2 months or so ago.

This library is about 500 feet from the store, and is across a fairly busy sidestreet coming off a main road, and has access to a bank, a shopping center, and a grocery store. Lots of traffic on this sidestreet, and it can be unsafe to cross during busy periods.

This week, Supervisor has decided to mandate that all employees park in the library's parking lot, or he will have their cars towed. Our parking lot is not a tow-away zone. I'm fairly certain that he cannot legally tow from it.

This is inaccessible to anyone that has any trouble walking long distances. Already multiple people have been late because they couldn't cross the street without risk of getting hit by a car.

So I did what I could, I went into the library, and asked to speak with someone in charge about it. They weren't in so the front desk took a message and they'll get back to me sometime this week. I will do what I need to to let Supervisor know he cannot threaten my coworkers and crew and get away with it.

A sidenote: I've already got a new job, and my last day is this Sunday. I fear no retaliation, and this is my last gift to those that have made the job bearable. A convenient place to park.

(Edit: Formatting, on mobile, sorry!)

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