
Why should you not have to pay back your student loans?

I went to college right along side all my other friends. They got loans to pay for books, tuition and partying. I worked 3 jobs and paid for my tuition in cash. Now everyone is pissed they have to pay them back and I don’t understand why. I’m sorry your degree didn’t make you a millionaire. You signed on the dotted line. It seems people have buyers remorse but just because you didn’t have a great plan doesn’t mean you get to skip out on what you owe. Everyone was an adult when they signed the paperwork. Why am I wrong. I don’t mean this to sound aggressive but you made your bed so you need to lie in it.

I went to college right along side all my other friends. They got loans to pay for books, tuition and partying. I worked 3 jobs and paid for my tuition in cash. Now everyone is pissed they have to pay them back and I don’t understand why. I’m sorry your degree didn’t make you a millionaire. You signed on the dotted line. It seems people have buyers remorse but just because you didn’t have a great plan doesn’t mean you get to skip out on what you owe. Everyone was an adult when they signed the paperwork. Why am I wrong. I don’t mean this to sound aggressive but you made your bed so you need to lie in it.

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