
Urgently trying to find solution for showers before starting my new job, lack of funds due to previous employer refusing to pay me my last paycheck. (Homeless)

I recently left an abusive job and got hired for a new one, but I've run into a new problem and to be fair it's been an ongoing issue. I've been falling behind on rent due to price increases in the rent itself and necessities, and have been trying to stall for time, but my landlord gave me a warning a while ago and he actually followed through. So, I no longer have a place, again. Luckily, I was proactive and had been making arrangements for new housing ahead of time, however that's not going to be happening until late March at the earliest, as this happened quicker than I anticipated, so this creates a problem for my new job. The one poorly run shelter here, does not have bathing facilities, they instead partner with a rec center to provide showers, the problem is that there are only two stalls…

I recently left an abusive job and got hired for a new one, but I've run into a new problem and to be fair it's been an ongoing issue. I've been falling behind on rent due to price increases in the rent itself and necessities, and have been trying to stall for time, but my landlord gave me a warning a while ago and he actually followed through. So, I no longer have a place, again.

Luckily, I was proactive and had been making arrangements for new housing ahead of time, however that's not going to be happening until late March at the earliest, as this happened quicker than I anticipated, so this creates a problem for my new job.

The one poorly run shelter here, does not have bathing facilities, they instead partner with a rec center to provide showers, the problem is that there are only two stalls to use there, and since they kick everyone out of the shelter in the morning, there's a long waiting line for hours, and since my new job requires me to be in at 8-8:30am on schedule, this is a big problem.

I looked into options and the usual suggestion someone brings up is to use a gym, however none of the big chains like Planet fitness are here. The most affordable local gym wants $65 for a 5 month membership and $130 for a year (for new members). Both of those are prices I can't pay because I just started my new job. My previous job which I left, has been attempting to not pay me my last check, and I'm already working with regulators fighting them on that, but that won't be overnight.

So right now, I do not have the means to access any bathing facilities which is going to be a problem with my new job, especially since it's going to take a month or so for my new housing arrangements to complete. All this could have been avoided if my previous employer who I quit from, wasn't trying to avoid paying me my last check. because then I would have money for the membership and more left over for other things like food and such, but even after labor sent them an email, they're still trying to avoid paying my last check.

But I keep being told something about bootstraps or some other nonsense by rich people. Smh

Anyway, I don't know if anyone is able to help with this but if anyone can, I appreciate it because I'm currently stuck. My first shift is Sunday and coming to work smelling like sewage will probably cut my new employment short.

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