
My boss has been lying to me

I work as a preschool chef on a government campus. I have had trouble with my dishwashers since I started there over a year and a half ago. They leak chemicals, and constantly shut themselves off. The repair man who originally came to look at them told me we just needed to replace the dishwashers, as they are older than I am (30) and are on their way out. He got them running just good enough to suffice but stressed replacing them. My boss then told me that the floors needed to be replaced before I could get new dishwashers, which requires government approval, since they own the building. Well the federal doesn’t move quickly on anything, even when it involves following their own food safety regulations. The last few weeks my dishwashers have been even worse, constantly turning themselves off, and when I go to look at the water…

I work as a preschool chef on a government campus. I have had trouble with my dishwashers since I started there over a year and a half ago. They leak chemicals, and constantly shut themselves off. The repair man who originally came to look at them told me we just needed to replace the dishwashers, as they are older than I am (30) and are on their way out. He got them running just good enough to suffice but stressed replacing them. My boss then told me that the floors needed to be replaced before I could get new dishwashers, which requires government approval, since they own the building. Well the federal doesn’t move quickly on anything, even when it involves following their own food safety regulations.

The last few weeks my dishwashers have been even worse, constantly turning themselves off, and when I go to look at the water levels I see loose dirt in the bottom! So even though I knew what the likely answer they would give would be, I asked my boss to call Hobart (the dishwasher repair people) to at least come and look at them. That was three weeks ago. Last week she told me she called and asked how long it would be to get to us and they said that we were on a waiting list.

Well yesterday my boss went to Greece for a week, and today I couldn’t even get my dishwashers to turn on. I took it upon myself to call Hobart and see if there was anyway they could come look at it earlier for me and the lady on the other line said they don’t have any work orders or anything scheduled for my company. They didn’t even have a record of her call. Before I was frustrated, now I am livid.

I already had issues with her for a myriad of reasons, but tried to cut her some slack. But now I have lost all respect for this lady. I have to sit here wasting too much time on the dishes when I have other responsibilities at work, meanwhile she ignores my maintenance requests, lies to me about it, and goes on a nice week long Greek odyssey.

If I could afford it, I would just no call no show next week. I’m already looking for a new job, but I’m unsure as to what to do in the meantime? Do I confront her? Should I report her? The third option is to grin and bear until I find a new gig and let the next poor chef deal with it. That doesn’t sit right with me and I’m also concerned that she is eventually going to get one of the kids hurt with her negligence. (She once told me to defrost a bag of fruit in the dishwasher, which I ignored)

Something else on my mind is what/ who else has she been lying about/ to? I literally can’t trust a word out of her mouth anymore

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