
Corporations are By Far the Greatest Threat to Humanity

These are juggernauts. They have been set in motion like a freight train where not even the engineers can slow it down or change its direction. It powers toward profit directed by a set of Corporate Minutes which makes it illegal for corporate directors to do anything other than put the financial interests of the corporation first. Not even a CEO could get in its way. They become an entity unto their own. Germany found success by limiting their corporations. They realized that the economy performs exponentially better with a multitude of smaller companies than with a handful of juggernauts. So they developed Rhine Capitalism, where when a corporation is looking too big for its britches, the government builds another corporation to compete against it and then sells off the shares to the private sector. They regulate and tax corporations heavily and i suspect they would do more to limit…

These are juggernauts. They have been set in motion like a freight train where not even the engineers can slow it down or change its direction. It powers toward profit directed by a set of Corporate Minutes which makes it illegal for corporate directors to do anything other than put the financial interests of the corporation first. Not even a CEO could get in its way. They become an entity unto their own.

Germany found success by limiting their corporations. They realized that the economy performs exponentially better with a multitude of smaller companies than with a handful of juggernauts. So they developed Rhine Capitalism, where when a corporation is looking too big for its britches, the government builds another corporation to compete against it and then sells off the shares to the private sector.

They regulate and tax corporations heavily and i suspect they would do more to limit corporations if the U.S. didn't just bend over and allow corporations to have their way. It makes it hard for smaller German companies to compete with a Wal-Mart, or Apple, or Amazon.

And actually that's likely a problem with the whole world. They would have liked to have exercised better corporate control, but if they disadvantage themselves on the international scene, the economic woes would be crippling. So they feather it.

Unfortunately for everyone on this planet, is we still have these massive corporate freight trains careening across the globe. And they don't give a fuck about any of us. They don't feel any need to cater to basic employment dignities. In fact, they are legally obligated to put those concerns on the back burner. As a matter of law, profits come first.

Once you have a little power and little resources, more power and resources come easier. This too becomes exponential. And quite frankly, we're passed the point of no return. The freight trains are coming. And with AI and other tech advances, there isn't going to be a need for any of us. White collar or blue collar and HEY BLUE COLLAR guys. I dont mean to point out the obvious, but all those white collar guys are actually easier to replace than blue collars. Sure there's self driving trucks out there taking jobs. But you could delete every lawyer and doctor and replace them with computers TOMORROW. Not trying to point out an obvious fulcrum point here, or anything.

We need RIGHT NOW to have a conversation about what happens when 70% of the workforce becomes obsolete.

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