
My manager threw me under the bus in an email over something I didn’t do. I feel like I’m not being treated the same as other employees.

I am a bookkeeper. I started at this company I work for in November. The other day a client that is not mine had ask for their bill for filing 1099s. My manager who I’ll call Tom, decided to CC me on the email. The client has two different companies and my manager sent him the wrong bill for the company. So instead of sending him the correct bill he decides to say “ My apologies for this confusion, Sarah (me) our new bookkeeper was doing training for bookkeeping billing and made a mistake. This is just an honest mistake, and we will fix it here shortly” So then he realizes that it was his fault and sends a follow up email saying “ Team, I feel like I need to apologize. Upon further review is that is is a bill for Real estate group and not a commercial group.…

I am a bookkeeper. I started at this company I work for in November. The other day a client that is not mine had ask for their bill for filing 1099s. My manager who I’ll call Tom, decided to CC me on the email. The client has two different companies and my manager sent him the wrong bill for the company. So instead of sending him the correct bill he decides to say “ My apologies for this confusion, Sarah (me) our new bookkeeper was doing training for bookkeeping billing and made a mistake. This is just an honest mistake, and we will fix it here shortly”

So then he realizes that it was his fault and sends a follow up email saying “ Team, I feel like I need to apologize. Upon further review is that is is a bill for Real estate group and not a commercial group. Looks like Paul needs this bill and the one for the commercial group. Again, my apologies for the confusion”

So he blames me in an email and then backtracks without the client knowing. So I messaged Tom on Teams and asked him what I did wrong, and he says “nothing. We were confused by the email” the only person confused was Tom. I just didn’t reply. Then he wanted to start being chatty Cathy about how my training was with my coworker was and asked me how my classes at school were going and I just didn’t reply.

So instead of apologizing to me, he apologized to the team.

In December, this same manager told me to come into the office at 9:00 am because we were going to meet with a client at 10:00 am. I get there at 9:00 am and he doesn’t show up till 10:30 am. I waited for an hour and half outside the office because it was locked. When he showed up at 10:30am he did not apologize for being late but told me he was on the phone with the client at his home for an hour and that the client wasn’t coming in. So I told him you know I’ve been waiting for hour an half and you couldn’t have told me you had this meeting with a client? He then tells me we will talk about it later, not taking any responsibility. So he decided a to go downstairs in the lobby, leaves me upstairs by myself. This is not the first time he had been extremely late. Every day for training he was late. 5-20 mins late is fine but he’s ALWAYS 35-60 mins late.

I have anger issues I’ve been working on and I was so upset that I waited and he didn’t care I just cried a bit and went downstairs to get out of the building. As I’m leaving the building my manager pops out the door and goes “Sarah you can wait in here” I just walked to my car and left.

I ended up calling the owner of the company. It was my last straw due to the fact that this wasn’t the first time he was extremely late. I’m super nervous on the phone and I start to cry because I just started this job and I didn’t want to come off as complaining and a problem and get fired. The owner was super great about it and we set up a meeting with him, myself and manager.

In the meeting, the owner asked my manager if he told to be there at 9:00 am and he can’t even answer the question he said “look, in the future we’ll make sure this doesn’t happened” and the boss asked again, didn’t answer question, he asks AGAIN and finally says yes. He didn’t take any responsibility whatsoever.

Ever since then my manager has been giving me clients without training. All of their “problem” clients he gives them to me. We have bookkeeping meetings every Tuesday and I’m the only not invited. I have to message him for an invite. The person who was hired with me has more training than I do. Also I’m always the last one they CC in emails.

What do you all think? Should I find a new job or am I just taking things personal?

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