
The Fight is UP and DOWN

My son asked me a question months ago that still haunts me. “Mommy, when will you not have to work anymore?” At first, I answered the question logically, “In about 30 years.” In 30 more years I would be eligible to retire. But then, my mind quickly went to where my son might be at that stage. Likely, just starting to set roots and establish himself in life. Things for the working class have been in a downward spiral for a long time. He would likely need help. “Maybe never.” Even if we're not forced to work our entire lives, doesn't this system burden us far beyond even that? We are not a free people. We the people can do better than Capitalism. Wage slavery, health care tied to employment, and the list goes on… The fight is not left and right, it is UP and DOWN. Always has been.…

My son asked me a question months ago that still haunts me.

“Mommy, when will you not have to work anymore?”

At first, I answered the question logically, “In about 30 years.”

In 30 more years I would be eligible to retire. But then, my mind quickly went to where my son might be at that stage. Likely, just starting to set roots and establish himself in life. Things for the working class have been in a downward spiral for a long time. He would likely need help.

“Maybe never.”

Even if we're not forced to work our entire lives, doesn't this system burden us far beyond even that? We are not a free people. We the people can do better than Capitalism. Wage slavery, health care tied to employment, and the list goes on…

The fight is not left and right, it is UP and DOWN. Always has been.

Solidarity with the working class, always.

Stay free, if you can.

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