
my boss said something in my religion is stupid, what to do.

so my last day at my current job is this Monday, but before i put my notice in i asked my manager if i could work from home for an entire month for ramadan. for those who don’t know, ramadan is a religious month where we don’t eat from sunrise to sunset for 30 days. i wanted to work from home since i won’t have food or water in my system the entire work day and it would just be better if i worked from home. today i found out he called it stupid and said it infront of a bunch of people, not me, one of my friends told me. so i need some advice. if i go to HR on monday and tell them what he said and i have witnesses, will they do anything because it’s my last day? i’m also thinking about confronting my manager and…

so my last day at my current job is this Monday, but before i put my notice in i asked my manager if i could work from home for an entire month for ramadan. for those who don’t know, ramadan is a religious month where we don’t eat from sunrise to sunset for 30 days. i wanted to work from home since i won’t have food or water in my system the entire work day and it would just be better if i worked from home.

today i found out he called it stupid and said it infront of a bunch of people, not me, one of my friends told me. so i need some advice. if i go to HR on monday and tell them what he said and i have witnesses, will they do anything because it’s my last day? i’m also thinking about confronting my manager and recording the conversation and seeing if he will admit it, is this a good idea? also, my managers have talked major shit about the senior vice president, should i tell him but in a professional matter? i’m just really angry and wanna bring some hell.

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