
thinking of quitting asap

so my workplace isn’t run by the loveliest people, and the other day they pulled me into the office and hit me out of nowhere with this crazy rant of complaints, just berating me and calling me slow and stupid and it really had me ???? there are some things i struggle with but i’ve never not put in the effort with my work and this was crazy disheartening. i don’t really feel like i can go back after this, and my motivation has been dead as these people have been very nasty since day 1 and i feel like they never gave me a chance to begin with. i immediately started applying to other jobs but i’m really upset and don’t know if i can stand to wait until i find something else

so my workplace isn’t run by the loveliest people, and the other day they pulled me into the office and hit me out of nowhere with this crazy rant of complaints, just berating me and calling me slow and stupid and it really had me ???? there are some things i struggle with but i’ve never not put in the effort with my work and this was crazy disheartening. i don’t really feel like i can go back after this, and my motivation has been dead as these people have been very nasty since day 1 and i feel like they never gave me a chance to begin with. i immediately started applying to other jobs but i’m really upset and don’t know if i can stand to wait until i find something else

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