
I’m sort of certain my old employer has been blackballing me in reference checks.

The title says it all. For context I recently had a series of positive interviews for entry level work in my field of study with a fantastic company. Second interview went splendidly with the lead telling me I would be a great fit with the team and was told I would hear about a third interview in a few days. Not even three hours later I got an email flat out telling me I didn’t fit in with the culture and they were passing on me at this time. Flash back two years ago I was working for a company I thought was great. I walked in one morning to them no longer wanting to spend the time to train me a newcomer to their line of work and they lay me off without warning. The owner, whom I know to be an asshole that openly bashes people that criticize…

The title says it all. For context I recently had a series of positive interviews for entry level work in my field of study with a fantastic company. Second interview went splendidly with the lead telling me I would be a great fit with the team and was told I would hear about a third interview in a few days. Not even three hours later I got an email flat out telling me I didn’t fit in with the culture and they were passing on me at this time. Flash back two years ago I was working for a company I thought was great. I walked in one morning to them no longer wanting to spend the time to train me a newcomer to their line of work and they lay me off without warning. The owner, whom I know to be an asshole that openly bashes people that criticize his company said he would reference me well. Well, I’m pretty sure he used the opportunity to screw me. Now I’m trapped in retail management again. I have removed the former employer from my resume. I don’t even care to verify whether that sack of dicks is lying. Time to move on.

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