
you needed a surgery? let’s cut your hours!

I currently work in a daycare as a teacher. for context, I was never properly informed of a call in policy beyond the sentence of “if you're sick or throwing up, don't come in. don't get the kids sick” when I started employment. since July of 2022, I'd been having a lot of digestive issues and was throwing up often. I'd only call in when I was actively throwing up before my shift, never if it was the night before (like I'm supposed to). my boss always seemed so understanding and kind about it. one day he tells me I'm using a lot of my “bank hours” and to be careful. apparently I only have so many hours in a year that I can call in. I explain I'm having medical issues that I'm trying to get a doctor's appointment for, as I currently don't have a gp. he says…

I currently work in a daycare as a teacher. for context, I was never properly informed of a call in policy beyond the sentence of “if you're sick or throwing up, don't come in. don't get the kids sick” when I started employment.

since July of 2022, I'd been having a lot of digestive issues and was throwing up often. I'd only call in when I was actively throwing up before my shift, never if it was the night before (like I'm supposed to). my boss always seemed so understanding and kind about it.

one day he tells me I'm using a lot of my “bank hours” and to be careful. apparently I only have so many hours in a year that I can call in. I explain I'm having medical issues that I'm trying to get a doctor's appointment for, as I currently don't have a gp. he says to get it figured out and that he cares about my health and safety.

after that, I forced myself to work while extremely sick. if I was puking I'd come in anyways, basically wearing myself thin to keep my job.

one week before Christmas, I ended up in the ER for severe abdominal pain and was informed that I had gallstones! one of which was right at the bile duct! I tell my work I'm in the ER, I'm in a lot of pain, and they're so kind. I ended up in the ER again the next day, I was puking at work and couldn't move hardly at all. luckily I didn't need the surgery to remove my gallbladder right then and could wait for my consultation the next week.

they gave me the day before and the day of my consultation off. after speaking to the surgeon, I called my work to let them know when my surgery was. they told me they're giving me the next day off as well to rest up, and see you on Friday. I worked two weeks before my surgery and then I had a week off to recover before coming back. when I came back, I only worked between 2-3 hours a day so as to not strain myself. I was told to not lift anything over 20 pounds for three weeks, don't bend unless you have to, and be very slow when you do so.

I had to lift kids who weighed over 30 pounds every day after surgery. I was bending over constantly to fix things, clean, stop kids from fighting, and I never got any help. it slowed down my healing process and I didn't recover for almost 7 weeks when most people are back to normal after 4.

eventually, after working three hours a day at most for over a month, I told my boss I need more hours. I can't afford rent or my bills on this schedule. and what does he tell me? oh sorry, you're too low on your bank hours so we have to make you a substitute. but I'm sure you'll make enough money! here's a $50 gift card to outback steak house.

I haven't had a paycheck over 50 hours since December.

I want to quit so badly, but I can't. I need a job. and I'm applying to new ones but I just can't seem to find one that will even look at my resume. I got my tax return recently so part of me wants to quit cause I have enough to float by for now and it isn't worth my mental health anymore.

TLDR: I needed surgery to remove my gallbladder. my work was so kind and understanding. I come back, strain myself cause they aren't accommodating my surgery aftercare, and then beg for full-time just to get a big ol eff you and a gift card to ease the waters.

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