
Harass The GM, lose the whole store.

So, this won't be an overly long one, however I have some decent details. So I've worked at this pizza place for about 8 months. It was probably the best place I'd ever worked. My General Manager (GM) was the nicest person I'd met. She cared about her people on a personal level and we took care of each other. The whole store. (Despite a few bad eggs) Our District Manager (DM) was a horrible human being. She constantly was mentally and verbally abusing my GM. On a constant. Would call and harass my GM on her days off, and made her cry almost every visit. This woman (DM) is horrible to her people. Aside from the constant abuse to my GM, the DM had also cheated multiple people out of raises and promotions. This DM, just in all possible ways, should not have been in charge. So, fast forward…

So, this won't be an overly long one, however I have some decent details.

So I've worked at this pizza place for about 8 months. It was probably the best place I'd ever worked. My General Manager (GM) was the nicest person I'd met. She cared about her people on a personal level and we took care of each other. The whole store. (Despite a few bad eggs)

Our District Manager (DM) was a horrible human being. She constantly was mentally and verbally abusing my GM. On a constant. Would call and harass my GM on her days off, and made her cry almost every visit. This woman (DM) is horrible to her people.

Aside from the constant abuse to my GM, the DM had also cheated multiple people out of raises and promotions. This DM, just in all possible ways, should not have been in charge.

So, fast forward to this past Monday (02/27/23), my GM finally had enough and quit. Everyone else who could, quit with her. 7 people out of like a 20 person team (roughly) remained so we could support ourselves until we found something better. Unfortunately that didn't last. 2 people quit back to back and they were only trying to stay for moral support to me and one other person specifically. I finally had enough Sunday (03/05/23) none of the temp assistance we had from other stores didn't know how to do their jobs. Especially since none of them were from high traffic stores. None of them would answer phones or cash people out. And several of them would just disappear for long periods at a time.

I finally had enough and walked out. Only 2 people are left from the original team at the store, and they'll likely leave soon.

The best store in our district has crashed so hard in less than a week, and it shouldn't go unnoticed.

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