
“We require advanced degrees and pay six figures but will dictate how you do your work down to each Excel cell”

Okay so I am in a fortunate position compared to most people and I fully acknowledge my privilege. I would even say I’m lucky to be working in a field I unironically call my passion. But this capitalist grind is really effecting my mental health. I have been job hunting since Nov 2022. Close but no cookies so far. I would even take a (small) pay cut if it means working for a team that shares my values at this point. I’m not socializing with anyone at work because taking all my mental energy just to stop yelling “I quit” several times a day. My manager is a micromanager and I have no autonomy at work. I spend more time doing presentations to my manager explaining the basic concepts of my job than, well, actually doing my job. I was hired to do analytics but don’t feel like an analyst…

Okay so I am in a fortunate position compared to most people and I fully acknowledge my privilege. I would even say I’m lucky to be working in a field I unironically call my passion. But this capitalist grind is really effecting my mental health.

I have been job hunting since Nov 2022. Close but no cookies so far. I would even take a (small) pay cut if it means working for a team that shares my values at this point. I’m not socializing with anyone at work because taking all my mental energy just to stop yelling “I quit” several times a day.

My manager is a micromanager and I have no autonomy at work. I spend more time doing presentations to my manager explaining the basic concepts of my job than, well, actually doing my job. I was hired to do analytics but don’t feel like an analyst at all. Most days I feel like a clerk, making Excel sheets pretty and reading PowerPoint slides.

My team members are all lawyers and accountants and they don’t really have an appreciation for what I do. They expect analytic information when they need it but have no understanding of the work that went into getting what they want.

I tried pitching new projects and process improvements but there was never the budget for it. Why hire an expensive associate-level analyst when you can just pay an entry level clerk to do my job? What is even the point of me being here except to collect my paycheque?

Thanks for letting me rant.

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