
My Job refuses to work with me on any type of leave

So further details. I work for a concrete company in NJ, I’ve been with them about 9 months. I know that I do not qualify for FMLA. My Fiancé is due to give birth in April. When I asked my HR if there’s any possible way to take 2-3 weeks off I was told that there’s no leave for union employees and that I don’t qualify for fmla and would need to talk to my immediate manager to see if he’d allow me to take time off. Fast forward I talk to the manager and he says they won’t give me any leave because “ if we do it for you we have to do it for everyone”. If I call off they will fire me for excessive absences. So I’m SOL less than a month before my child is born lol. We as drivers make them so much money…

So further details. I work for a concrete company in NJ, I’ve been with them about 9 months. I know that I do not qualify for FMLA. My Fiancé is due to give birth in April. When I asked my HR if there’s any possible way to take 2-3 weeks off I was told that there’s no leave for union employees and that I don’t qualify for fmla and would need to talk to my immediate manager to see if he’d allow me to take time off. Fast forward I talk to the manager and he says they won’t give me any leave because “ if we do it for you we have to do it for everyone”. If I call off they will fire me for excessive absences. So I’m SOL less than a month before my child is born lol. We as drivers make them so much money but god forbid you need something from your employer. We’re all just a number in the COG machine. (P.S I only have a weeks vacation available)

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