
Ok I need to get this straight: how the fuck do you set boundaries? I’m a pushover and can’t possibly say no to anything. Please talk to me like i’m five.

I get just say ‘it’s not within my scope’ but that’s not true, I can say ‘do you want me to deprioritise this to do tht’ but everything is a priority. Or how about when they make a decision to move you abroad which you’ve initially agreed to but now your life circumstances have changed so much and you need to let them know you no longer want to move? I’m so fearful of relationship backlash from management that i’ve just been sitting on the thought of staying without letting them know my decision to not move. I’m paralised. How do I go about that conversation?

I get just say ‘it’s not within my scope’ but that’s not true, I can say ‘do you want me to deprioritise this to do tht’ but everything is a priority.

Or how about when they make a decision to move you abroad which you’ve initially agreed to but now your life circumstances have changed so much and you need to let them know you no longer want to move? I’m so fearful of relationship backlash from management that i’ve just been sitting on the thought of staying without letting them know my decision to not move. I’m paralised. How do I go about that conversation?

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